Campaign Manager - Application Admin


Capturing Preference and GDC Data

As part of campaign processing, Contact and Response data from Alterian Email Manager is captured to the Campaign Manager Campaign History database for Reporting and Analytics. But beyond the standard email marketing statistics, Email Campaigns can also generate very useful Customer centric marketing data in the form of Email Preferences, and data captured from the use of GDC forms. It is also possible for this data to be automatically imported into relevant tables within the Campaign Manager Recipient State Database.

This process gives the marketer access to updated intra-day data and preferences to better drive campaign activity, as well as providing access to preference data for GDPR opt-in compliance, allowing campaign audiences to be constructed with this data as part of audience definition.

  • This feature was released in Campaign Manager 6.2.3 and its configuration method does vary between new systems and those on versions prior to CM 6.2.3. The processes for each are outlined separately below.
  • The Preference and GDC data tables are specific to a Campaign Key or Email Manager primary Key, so one set of tables per Key will be created.
  • To support use of an A/B Repository switch load process, the database and tables defined will be created in the System Data Path as defined in Settings/Datasource admin.
  • This feature can be used for both campaign tactic and EM download links, but note the method of creation is different for each as defined below.
  • Preferences themselves are created in Creative builder or the stand alone Email Manager client.
  • Once created, the Database and Table names cannot be edited so ensure they are entered correctly.

The following sections give links to how this data storage can be created

Clean Systems

On clean systems the following bullet points should be followed for in the listed order:

For data from EM Account Links used in campaign tactics:

For data from EM Download Links

  • Option 1 - as part of the EM Account link creation, add names for Preference and GDC Data tables.
  • Option 2 - this re-uses the Campaign Key settings, use the Campaign Key creation, to add names for Preference and GDC Data tables.

Upgrading Existing Systems

  • These instructions require use of the API and are for experienced Administrators only. Please contact our support team via for guidance if you are unsure about this process.

As defined above, this feature was released in Campaign Manager 6.2.3 and its configuration method does vary between new systems and those on versions prior to CM 6.2.3. The following process should be used on systems being upgraded from systems prior to CM 6.2.3

  1. View the Datasource Admin and note the Datasource Config Id
  2. Use the Datasource Admin to define the name for the Recipient State Database on the General tab.
  3. Launch API Help from the portal menu
  4. Select Services API and then Service API Methods.
  5. To complete the creation of GDC and/or Preference tables for Campaign Keys, you require the Campaign Key Id (s):
    1. From the "Jump to" list at the top of the screen. select campaign.
    2. Locate the GetCampaignKeys API and click the cross icon to access the method input screen.
    3. Add the previously noted Datasource Config Id in the relevant input box. Note that Token should be pre-populated and no other inputs are required
    4. Click Go, and from the returned information on the right, note the ColumnId (s) value, which is the Campaign Key Id (s), remembering there may be multiple blocks of data returned when using multiple Campaign Keys.
    5. Return to API List
  6. To complete the creation of GDC and/or Preference tables for EM Download Links you will require the EM Mapping Id
    1. From the "Jump to" list at the top of the screen. select Email Manager Mapping.
    2. Locate the GetEMDownladMappings API and click the cross icon to access the method input screen.
    3. Click Go and from the returned data, note the value returned as Id.
    4. Return to API List
  7. From the "Jump to" list at the top of the screen, select GDC
  8. For GDC table creation locate the EnableGDCDownload API and click the cross icon to access the method input screen.
    1. Note: If you are using an EM Download link that is associated with a Campaign Key, it is only necessary to set up the GDC/Preference tables for the Campaign Key, you do not need to configure the EM link as well as the same tables will be used.
    2. Enter either the Campaign Key Id or EM Mapping Id previously noted. Note that both cannot be entered in a single execution.
    3. Enter the required table name and click go
    4. Received value of true will confirm process complete
  9. For Preference table creation locate the EnablePreferenceDownload API and click the cross icon to access the method input screen.
    1. Enter either the Campaign Key Id or EM Mapping Id previously noted. Note that both cannot be entered in a single execution.
    2. Enter the required table name.
    3. Received value of true will confirm complete.
  • At this stage, empty tables will be created but not populated until the first GDC or Preference event occurs in EM
  • The Trigger GDCDownload and/or TriggerPreferenceDownload APIs in the same GDC section can now be used to populate the tables but they will auto-populate with the first event so this is optional. These API's use the same Id values as previously noted.


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